Artemis studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupuncture and Reflexology in Norway from 1989 to 1993. From then until today she uses these methods as a means of care and treatment of the body, mind and soul. She has attended many courses and seminars of holistic treatment both in Greece and abroad and to this day she continues to study medicine in its entirety, from ancient sources to modern western medicine.
Since 2006 she teaches TCM, Acupuncture and Reflexology and creates the curriculum, composing the information she gained from her teachers, her personal study and her clinical experience.
She is the author of the book “Reflexology meets the Five Elements and the Meridians” (Volumes ‘A’ and ‘B’). In this book she connects, in a pioneering way, theoretically and practically the methods she practices, addressing at the same time to beginners and advanced. She is also the author of “The Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine”. In this book she remains faithful to the classic material and, at the same time, gives a personal way to the subject, based on her perception and her long experience in the field of therapy.
Artemis has also studied classical piano and advanced music theory and always tries to deal with music in various ways. She believes that art and especially the study of the arts brings man closer to medicine and therapy, since they complete him emotionally and strengthen his perceptual ability, sense of wholeness, patience, diligence, harmony and beauty, virtues which are unquestionably necessary for the practice of healing in any way.
Finally, she has been undergoing ‘Systemic Psychotherapy’ for several years, something that she considers equally important in shaping her overall education.s
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